Gabriella Macoustra
Gabriella Macoustra
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Effect of Various Natural Dissolved Organic Carbon on Copper Lability and Toxicity to the Tropical Freshwater Microalga Chlorella sp.
G Macoustra, A Holland, J Stauber, DF Jolley
Environmental science & technology 53 (5), 2768-2777, 2019
Impact of hydrocarbons from a diesel fuel on the germination and early growth of subantarctic plants
GK Macoustra, CK King, J Wasley, SA Robinson, DF Jolley
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17 (7), 1238-1248, 2015
Speciation of nickel and its toxicity to Chlorella sp. in the presence of three distinct dissolved organic matter (DOM)
GK Macoustra, DF Jolley, JL Stauber, DJ Koppel, A Holland
Chemosphere 273, 128454, 2021
Amelioration of copper toxicity to a tropical freshwater microalga: Effect of natural DOM source and season
GK Macoustra, DF Jolley, J Stauber, DJ Koppel, A Holland
Environmental Pollution 266, 115141, 2020
As and Sb are more labile and toxic to water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) in recently contaminated soils than historically co-contaminated soils
LP Egodawatta, GK Macoustra, LK Ngo, DF Jolley
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (5), 833-844, 2018
Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter Concentration and Source on the Chronic Toxicity of Copper and Nickel Mixtures to Chlorella sp.
GK Macoustra, DJ Koppel, DF Jolley, JL Stauber, A Holland
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40 (7), 1906-1916, 2021
Influence of Australian dissolved organic matter (DOM) on metal toxicity in freshwaters
GK Macoustra
Research Online
GK Macoustra, CK King, J Wasley, SA Robinson, DF Jolley
Processes & Impacts
GK Macoustra, CK King, J Wasley, SA Robinsonc, DF Jolley
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LP Egodawatta, G Macoustra, L Ngo, DF Jolley
The effect of soils contaminated with fuel-based hydrocarbons on the germination and early life stages on Subantarctic plants
GK Macoustra, CK King, J Wasley, L Wise, S Robinsonφ, DF Jolley
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