Aitor Marzo
Cited by
Cited by
2050 LCOE improvement using new molten salts for thermal energy storage in CSP plants
C Parrado, A Marzo, E Fuentealba, AG Fernández
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 505-514, 2016
Performance analysis of photovoltaic systems of two different technologies in a coastal desert climate zone of Chile
P Ferrada, F Araya, A Marzo, E Fuentealba
Solar Energy 114, 356-363, 2015
Daily global solar radiation estimation in desert areas using daily extreme temperatures and extraterrestrial radiation
A Marzo, M Trigo-Gonzalez, J Alonso-Montesinos, M Martínez-Durbán, ...
Renewable Energy 113, 303-311, 2017
Solar radiation attenuation in solar tower plants
J Ballestrín, A Marzo
Solar Energy 86 (1), 388-392, 2012
High flux solar simulators for concentrated solar thermal research: A review
A Gallo, A Marzo, E Fuentealba, E Alonso
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 77, 1385-1402, 2017
Photovoltaic performance and LCoE comparison at the coastal zone of the Atacama Desert, Chile
E Fuentealba, P Ferrada, F Araya, A Marzo, C Parrado, C Portillo
Energy Conversion and Management 95, 181-186, 2015
Hourly PV production estimation by means of an exportable multiple linear regression model
M Trigo-González, FJ Batlles, J Alonso-Montesinos, P Ferrada, ...
Renewable energy 135, 303-312, 2019
Standard or local solar spectrum? Implications for solar technologies studies in the Atacama desert
A Marzo, P Ferrada, F Beiza, P Besson, J Alonso-Montesinos, J Ballestrín, ...
Renewable Energy 127, 871-882, 2018
Proposal and evaluation of subordinate standard solar irradiance spectra for applications in solar energy systems
W Jessen, S Wilbert, CA Gueymard, J Polo, Z Bian, A Driesse, A Habte, ...
Solar Energy 168, 30-43, 2018
Characterization of soiling on PV modules in the Atacama Desert
D Olivares, P Ferrada, C de Matos, A Marzo, E Cabrera, C Portillo, ...
Energy Procedia 124, 547-553, 2017
Physicochemical characterization of soiling from photovoltaic facilities in arid locations in the Atacama Desert
P Ferrada, D Olivares, V del Campo, A Marzo, F Araya, E Cabrera, ...
Solar Energy 187, 47-56, 2019
Solar extinction measurement system based on digital cameras. Application to solar tower plants
J Ballestrín, R Monterreal, ME Carra, J Fernández-Reche, J Polo, ...
Renewable Energy 125, 648-654, 2018
Potential for photogenerated current for silicon based photovoltaic modules in the Atacama Desert
P Ferrada, A Marzo, E Cabrera, H Chu, V del Campo, J Rabanal, ...
Solar Energy 144, 580-593, 2017
Modeling soiling losses for rooftop PV systems in suburban areas with nearby forest in Madrid
J Polo, N Martín-Chivelet, C Sanz-Saiz, J Alonso-Montesinos, G López, ...
Renewable Energy 178, 420-428, 2021
Typical Meteorological Year methodologies applied to solar spectral irradiance for PV applications
J Polo, M Alonso-Abella, N Martín-Chivelet, J Alonso-Montesinos, ...
Energy 190, 116453, 2020
Solar extinction map in Chile for applications in solar power tower plants, comparison with other places from sunbelt and impact on LCOE
A Marzo, A Salmon, J Polo, J Ballestrín, G Soto, G Quiñones, ...
Renewable Energy 170, 197-211, 2021
Desert label development for improved reliability and durability of photovoltaic modules in harsh desert conditions
JF Lelièvre, R Couderc, N Pinochet, L Sicot, D Munoz, R Kopecek, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 236, 111508, 2022
Microstructural analysis of the PV module cementation process at the Solar Platform of the Atacama Desert
D Olivares, P Ferrada, A Marzo, J Llanos, C Miranda-Ostojic, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 227, 111109, 2021
Determination of the soiling impact on photovoltaic modules at the coastal area of the Atacama Desert
D Olivares, P Ferrada, J Bijman, S Rodríguez, M Trigo-González, A Marzo, ...
Energies 13 (15), 3819, 2020
Testing a solar-blind pyrometer
J Ballestrín, A Marzo, I Cañadas, J Rodríguez
Metrologia 47 (6), 646, 2010
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Articles 1–20