Natasha Gownaris
Natasha Gownaris
Environmental Studies Department, Gettysburg College
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The global contribution of forage fish to marine fisheries and ecosystems
EK Pikitch, KJ Rountos, TE Essington, C Santora, D Pauly, R Watson, ...
Fish and Fisheries 15 (1), 43-64, 2014
Personality, foraging behavior and specialization: integrating behavioral and food web ecology at the individual level
BJ Toscano, NJ Gownaris, SM Heerhartz, CJ Monaco
Oecologia 182, 55-69, 2016
Water level fluctuations and the ecosystem functioning of lakes
NJ Gownaris, KJ Rountos, L Kaufman, J Kolding, KMM Lwiza, EK Pikitch
Journal of Great Lakes Research 44 (6), 1154-1163, 2018
Recruitment facilitation and spatial pattern formation in soft‐bottom mussel beds
JA Commito, AE Commito, RV Platt, BM Grupe, WED Piniak, NJ Gownaris, ...
Ecosphere 5 (12), 1-26, 2014
Fisheries and water level fluctuations in the world's largest desert lake
NJ Gownaris, EK Pikitch, JY Aller, LS Kaufman, J Kolding, KMM Lwiza, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (1), e1769, 2017
Social-ecological change in the Omo-Turkana basin: A synthesis of current developments
J Hobod, EGJ Stevenson, G Akall, T Akuja, I Angelei, EA Bedasso, ...
Ambio 48 (1), 1-12, 2019
Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale
YC Kao, MW Rogers, DB Bunnell, IG Cowx, SS Qian, O Anneville, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2526, 2020
Sex‐biased survival contributes to population decline in a long‐lived seabird, the Magellanic Penguin
N Gownaris, D Boersma
Ecological Applications 29 (1), e01826, 2019
Applying science to pressing conservation needs for penguins
PD Boersma, PG Borboroglu, NJ Gownaris, CA Bost, A Chiaradia, S Ellis, ...
Conservation Biology 34 (1), 103-112, 2020
Predicting species’ vulnerability in a massively perturbed system: The fishes of Lake Turkana, Kenya
NJ Gownaris, EK Pikitch, WO Ojwang, R Michener, L Kaufman
PLoS One 10 (5), e0127027, 2015
Barriers to full participation in the open science life cycle among early career researchers
N Gownaris, K Vermeir, MI Bittner, L Gunawardena, S Kaur-Ghumaan, ...
CODATA Data Science Journal 21 (1), 2, 2022
Gaps in protection of important ocean areas: a spatial meta-analysis of ten global mapping initiatives
NJ Gownaris, CM Santora, JB Davis, EK Pikitch
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 650, 2019
Separation anxiety: mussels self-organize into similar power-law clusters regardless of predation threat cues
JA Commito, NJ Gownaris, DE Haulsee, SE Coleman, BF Beal
Marine Ecology Progress Series 547, 107-119, 2016
Lake Turkana: World’s largest permanent desert lake (Kenya)
WO Ojwang, KO Obiero, OO Donde, N Gownaris, EK Pikitch, R Omondi, ...
The wetland book: II: Distribution, description and conservation, 1-20, 2016
A shifting tide: recommendations for incorporating science communication into graduate training
EJ Hundey, JH Olker, C Carreira, RM Daigle, AK Elgin, M Finiguerra, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 25 (4), 109-116, 2016
Feet first: Adaptive growth in magellanic penguin chicks
NJ Gownaris, PD Boersma
Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), 4339-4352, 2021
Sex ratio is variable and increasingly male biased at two colonies of Magellanic penguins
NJ Gownaris, P García Borboroglu, PD Boersma
Ecology 101 (3), e02939, 2020
Lake Turkana: Status, challenges, and opportunities for collaborative research
K Obiero, M Wakjira, N Gownaris, J Malala, JL Keyombe, MZ Ajode, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 102120, 2022
Lake Turkana, the World's Largest Permenant Desert Lake
WO Ojwang, KO Obiero, OO Donde, N Gownaris, EK Pikitch, R Omondi, ...
Encyclopedia of Wetlands 4, 2016
Among‐individual behavioral responses to predation risk are invariant within two species of freshwater snails
BJ Toscano, H Allegue, NJ Gownaris, M Drausnik, Z Yung, D Bauloye, ...
Ethology 129 (6), 269-279, 2023
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Articles 1–20