Liset Van Dijk
Liset Van Dijk
programmaleider NIVEL
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Patient adherence to medical treatment: a review of reviews
S van Dulmen, E Sluijs, L Van Dijk, D de Ridder, R Heerdink, J Bensing
BMC health services research 7, 1-13, 2007
The effectiveness of interventions using electronic reminders to improve adherence to chronic medication: a systematic review of the literature
M Vervloet, AJ Linn, JCM van Weert, DH De Bakker, ML Bouvy, L Van Dijk
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (5), 696-704, 2012
Definitions, variants, and causes of nonadherence with medication: a challenge for tailored interventions
JG Hugtenburg, L Timmers, PJM Elders, M Vervloet, L van Dijk
Patient preference and adherence, 675-682, 2013
Comparative research on women's employment
T Van der Lippe, L Van Dijk
Annual review of sociology 28 (1), 221-241, 2002
Pediatric drug formulations: a review of challenges and progress
V Ivanovska, CMA Rademaker, L van Dijk, AK Mantel-Teeuwisse
Pediatrics 134 (2), 361-372, 2014
The world medicines situation 2011. Rational use of medicines
K Holloway, L Van Dijk
World Health Organization, 2011
SMS reminders improve adherence to oral medication in type 2 diabetes patients who are real time electronically monitored
M Vervloet, L van Dijk, J Santen-Reestman, B Van Vlijmen, ...
International journal of medical informatics 81 (9), 594-604, 2012
Nurse prescribing of medicines in Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries: a systematic review of the literature
M Kroezen, L van Dijk, PP Groenewegen, AL Francke
BMC health services research 11, 1-17, 2011
Antidepressant prescribing in five European countries: application of common definitions to assess the prevalence, clinical observations, and methodological implications
V Abbing-Karahagopian, C Huerta, PC Souverein, F De Abajo, ...
European journal of clinical pharmacology 70, 849-857, 2014
Indications for antidepressant drug prescribing in general practice in the Netherlands
H Gardarsdottir, ER Heerdink, L van Dijk, ACG Egberts
Journal of affective disorders 98 (1-2), 109-115, 2007
What role does health literacy play in patients' involvement in medical decision-making?
AEM Brabers, JJ Rademakers, PP Groenewegen, L Van Dijk, JD De Jong
PloS one 12 (3), e0173316, 2017
Effects of eHealth interventions on medication adherence: a systematic review of the literature
AJ Linn, M Vervloet, L van Dijk, EG Smit, JCM Van Weert
Journal of medical Internet research 13 (4), e1738, 2011
Nurse prescribing of medicines in Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries: a survey on forces, conditions and jurisdictional control
M Kroezen, AL Francke, PP Groenewegen, L van Dijk
International journal of nursing studies 49 (8), 1002-1012, 2012
Improving medication adherence in diabetes type 2 patients through Real Time Medication Monitoring: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of monitoring patients …
M Vervloet, L van Dijk, J Santen-Reestman, B van Vlijmen, ML Bouvy, ...
BMC health services research 11, 1-8, 2011
Nocturia in the Dutch adult population
L Van Dijk, DG Kooij, FG Schellevis
Bju International 90 (7), 644-648, 2002
Pharmacist-led self-management interventions to improve diabetes outcomes. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
L Van Eikenhorst, K Taxis, L Van Dijk, H De Gier
Frontiers in pharmacology 8, 891, 2017
Initiation of antidepressant therapy: do patients follow the GP's prescription?
ECG van Geffen, H Gardarsdottir, R van Hulten, L van Dijk, ACG Egberts, ...
British Journal of General Practice 59 (559), 81-87, 2009
Determinants of self-medication with antibiotics in European and Anglo-Saxon countries: a systematic review of the literature
D Lescure, J Paget, F Schellevis, L Van Dijk
Frontiers in public health 6, 370, 2018
Tailored information for cancer patients on the Internet: effects of visual cues and language complexity on information recall and satisfaction
JCM van Weert, G van Noort, N Bol, L van Dijk, K Tates, J Jansen
Patient Education and Counseling 84 (3), 368-378, 2011
Furthering patient adherence: a position paper of the international expert forum on patient adherence based on an internet forum discussion
S Van Dulmen, E Sluijs, L Van Dijk, D De Ridder, R Heerdink, J Bensing, ...
BMC Health Services Research 8, 1-8, 2008
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