Raja Nag
Cited by
Cited by
The pricing of seasoned equity offerings: evidence from REITs
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
Real Estate Economics 28 (3), 363-384, 2000
Exchange rate volatility and foreign direct investment: Evidence from East Asian countries
D Dhakal, R Nag, G Pradhan, KP Upadhyaya
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 9 (7), 2010
An analysis of seasoned equity offerings by equity REITs, 1991 to 1995
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 19, 175-192, 1999
A test of the signaling value of IPO underpricing with REIT IPO-SEO pairs
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 20, 137-154, 2000
Financing choice by equity REITs in the 1990s
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
Real Estate Finance 14 (3), 41-50, 1997
Opinion polls and the stock market: evidence from the 2008 US presidential election
DD Ejara, R Nag, KP Upadhyaya
Applied Financial Economics 22 (6), 437-443, 2012
Oil price and real exchange rate: The case of India
N Kaushik, R Nag, KP Upadhyaya
The International Business & Economics Research Journal (Online) 13 (4), 809, 2014
Pricing effects of seasoned debt issues of equity REITs
C Ghosh, R Nag, C Sirmans
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 7 (3), 239-246, 2001
Are REIT Seasoned Equity Offerings Underpriced?
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
Real Estate Finance 15, 19-24, 1998
Is there a window of opportunity? Stock market performance of REITs around Secondary Equity Offerings
C Ghosh, R Nag, CF Sirmans
Real Estate Finance 13, 23-30, 1997
Stock market prices and the macroeconomics of emerging economies: The case of India
KP Upadhyaya, R Nag, FG Mixon Jr
Dynamic Econometric Models 18, 35-47, 2018
A Carter, ZU Ahmed, DM Andrus, R Arora, R Baer, NG Barnes, TE Barry, ...
Angela Carter Papers, The British Library, 1831
Managerial Tenure And Mutual Fund Performance: Evidence From Index Funds
DD Ejara, R Nag
Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER) 7 (5), 2009
Economics Of Summer Course Scheduling
J Boronico, R Nag
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 24 (1), 2008
The 2016 US presidential election, opinion polls and the stock market
K Upadhyaya, R Nag, D Ejara
Journal of Financial Economic Policy 16 (2), 194-204, 2024
Causal Relationships between Oil Prices and Key Macroeconomic Variables in India
KP Upadhyaya, R Nag, FG Mixon Jr
International Journal of Financial Studies 11 (4), 143, 2023
Investigating Causal Relations between Oil Prices and Key Macroeconomic Variables: The Case of India
K Upadhyaya, FG Mixon Jr, R Nag
Available at SSRN 4518118, 2023
An Empirical Reexamination of India’s Currency Devaluation and Trade Balance
N Kaushik, R Nag, KP Upadhyaya
Journal of International Finance and Economics 20 (4), 68-73, 2020
Exchange Rate Volatility and Its Impact on US Exports to European Union
M Morris, R Nag, KP Upadhyaya
Journal of International Business and Economics 19 (3), 55-62, 2019
Dynamic Econometric Models
KP Upadhyaya, R Nag, FG Mixon Jr
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Articles 1–20