Pia Bartels
Pia Bartels
Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
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Reciprocal subsidies between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems structure consumer resource dynamics
P Bartels, J Cucherousset, K Steger, P Eklöv, LJ Tranvik, H Hillebrand
Ecology 93 (5), 1173-1182, 2012
Toward more integrated ecosystem research in aquatic and terrestrial environments
J Soininen, PIA Bartels, J Heino, M Luoto, H Hillebrand
BioScience 65 (2), 174-182, 2015
A way forward with eco evo devo: an extended theory of resource polymorphism with postglacial fishes as model systems
S Skúlason, KJ Parsons, R Svanbäck, K Räsänen, MM Ferguson, ...
Biological Reviews 94 (5), 1786-1808, 2019
Water Transparency Drives Intra-Population Divergence in Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis)
P Bartels, PE Hirsch, R Svanbäck, P Eklöv
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43641, 2012
Terrestrial subsidies to lake food webs: an experimental approach
P Bartels, J Cucherousset, C Gudasz, M Jansson, J Karlsson, L Persson, ...
Oecologia 168, 807-818, 2012
Estimating species colonization dates using DNA in lake sediment
F Olajos, F Bokma, P Bartels, E Myrstener, J Rydberg, G Öhlund, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (3), 535-543, 2018
Dissolved organic carbon reduces habitat coupling by top predators in lake ecosystems
P Bartels, PE Hirsch, R Svanbäck, P Eklöv
Ecosystems 19, 955-967, 2016
Droplet digital PCR assays for the quantification of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from environmental DNA collected in the water of …
E Capo, G Spong, S Norman, H Königsson, P Bartels, P Byström
PLoS One 14 (12), e0226638, 2019
Ecological speciation in European whitefish is driven by a large-gaped predator
G Öhlund, M Bodin, KA Nilsson, SO Öhlund, KB Mobley, AG Hudson, ...
Evolution Letters 4 (3), 243-256, 2020
Allochthonous organic matter supports benthic but not pelagic food webs in shallow coastal ecosystems
P Bartels, J Ask, A Andersson, J Karlsson, R Giesler
Ecosystems 21, 1459-1470, 2018
Feeding ecology of carp
B Huser, P Bartels
Biology and ecology of carp, 217-243, 2015
L., Jónsson, Z.,… Snorrason, SS (2019)
S Skúlason, KJ Parsons, R Svanbäck, K Räsänen, MM Ferguson, ...
A way forward with eco evo devo: An extended theory of resource polymorphism …, 0
217 Feeding Ecology of Carp
B Huser, P Bartels
Biology and Ecology of Carp, 217-243, 0
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Articles 1–13