Graham D. Fairhurst
Graham D. Fairhurst
Research Facilitator, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan
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Measuring corticosterone in feathers: strengths, limitations, and suggestions for the future
LM Romero, GD Fairhurst
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2016
Experimental relationships between levels of corticosterone in plasma and feathers in a free-living bird
GD Fairhurst, TA Marchant, C Soos, KL Machin, RG Clark
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (21), 4071-4081, 2013
Does environmental enrichment reduce stress? An integrated measure of corticosterone from feathers provides a novel perspective
GD Fairhurst, MD Frey, JF Reichert, I Szelest, DM Kelly, GR Bortolotti
PLoS One 6 (3), e17663, 2011
Variation in immune function, body condition, and feather corticosterone in nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) on reclaimed wetlands in the Athabasca oil sands …
NJ Harms, GD Fairhurst, GR Bortolotti, JEG Smits
Environmental Pollution 158 (3), 841-848, 2010
Feather corticosterone of a nestling seabird reveals consequences of sex-specific parental investment
GD Fairhurst, J Navarro, J González-Solís, TA Marchant, GR Bortolotti
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1726), 177-184, 2012
Nestling corticosterone response to microclimate in an altricial bird
GD Fairhurst, GD Treen, RG Clark, GR Bortolotti
Canadian Journal of Zoology 90 (12), 1422-1430, 2012
Feather‐based measures of stable isotopes and corticosterone reveal a relationship between trophic position and physiology in a pelagic seabird over a 153‐year period
GD Fairhurst, AL Bond, KA Hobson, RA Ronconi
Ibis 157 (2), 273 -283, 2014
Synchronizing feather-based measures of corticosterone and carotenoid-dependent signals: what relationships do we expect?
GD Fairhurst, RD Dawson, H van Oort, GR Bortolotti
Oecologia 174, 689-698, 2014
Relationships between winter and spring weather and northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) reproduction in northern Nevada
GD Fairhurst, MJ Bechard
Journal of Raptor Research 39 (3), 229, 2005
Can synchronizing feather-based measures of corticosterone and stable isotopes help us better understand habitat–physiology relationships?
GD Fairhurst, M Vögeli, D Serrano, A Delgado, JL Tella, GR Bortolotti
Oecologia 173, 731-743, 2013
Effects of ectoparasites on seasonal variation in quality of nestling Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
VB Harriman, RD Dawson, RG Clark, GD Fairhurst, GR Bortolotti
Canadian Journal of Zoology 92 (2), 87-96, 2014
Biomarker of burden: Feather corticosterone reflects energetic expenditure and allostatic overload in captive waterfowl
DW Johns, TA Marchant, GD Fairhurst, JR Speakman, RG Clark
Functional Ecology 32 (2), 345-357, 2018
Assessing costs of carrying geolocators using feather corticosterone in two species of aerial insectivore
GD Fairhurst, LL Berzins, DW Bradley, AJ Laughlin, A Romano, ...
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150004, 2015
A rare study from the wintering grounds provides insight into the costs of malaria infection for migratory birds
MC Sorensen, M Asghar, S Bensch, GD Fairhurst, S Jenni‐Eiermann, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 47 (4), 575-582, 2016
Feather corticosterone during non-breeding correlates with multiple measures of physiology during subsequent breeding in a migratory seabird
GD Fairhurst, L Champoux, KA Hobson, JF Rail, J Verreault, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2017
Habitat quality affects early physiology and subsequent neuromotor development of juvenile Black-capped Chickadees
T Grava, GD Fairhurst, MT Avey, A Grava, J Bradley, JL Avis, GR Bortolotti, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e71852, 2013
Feather corticosterone levels are related to age and future body condition, but not to subsequent fitness, in a declining migratory songbird
TJ Boves, GD Fairhurst, CS Rushing, DA Buehler
Conservation Physiology 4 (1), cow041, 2016
Light-level geolocators reveal covariation between winter plumage molt and phenology in a trans-Saharan migratory bird
N Saino, D Rubolini, R Ambrosini, M Romano, C Scandolara, ...
Oecologia 178 (4), 1105 -1112, 2015
An investigation of physiological effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on a long-distance migratory seabird, the northern gannet
L Champoux, JF Rail, M Houde, M Giraudo, É Lacaze, CD Franci, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 153, 110953, 2020
Supplementary feeding increases nestling feather corticosterone early in the breeding season in house sparrows
N Salleh Hudin, L De Neve, D Strubbe, GD Fairhurst, C Vangestel, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (16), 6163-6171, 2017
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Articles 1–20