Erin M. Bertrand
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Cited by
The transcriptome and proteome of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana reveal a diverse phosphorus stress response
ST Dyhrman, BD Jenkins, TA Rynearson, MA Saito, ML Mercier, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e33768, 2012
Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics
CJ Gobler, DL Berry, ST Dyhrman, SW Wilhelm, A Salamov, AV Lobanov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (11), 4352-4357, 2011
Vitamin B12 and iron colimitation of phytoplankton growth in the Ross Sea
EM Bertrand, MA Saito, JM Rose, CR Riesselman, MC Lohan, AE Noble, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (3), 1079-1093, 2007
Phytoplankton–bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient colimitation at the coastal Antarctic sea ice edge
EM Bertrand, JP McCrow, A Moustafa, H Zheng, JB McQuaid, TO Delmont, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (32), 9938-9943, 2015
Iron conservation by reduction of metalloenzyme inventories in the marine diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii
MA Saito, EM Bertrand, S Dutkiewicz, VV Bulygin, DM Moran, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (6), 2184-2189, 2011
Nutrient co-limitation at the boundary of an oceanic gyre
TJ Browning, EP Achterberg, I Rapp, A Engel, EM Bertrand, A Tagliabue, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 242-246, 2017
Biosynthesis of the neurotoxin domoic acid in a bloom-forming diatom
JK Brunson, SMK McKinnie, JR Chekan, JP McCrow, ZD Miles, ...
Science 361 (6409), 1356-1358, 2018
Influence of cobalamin scarcity on diatom molecular physiology and identification of a cobalamin acquisition protein
EM Bertrand, AE Allen, CL Dupont, TM Norden-Krichmar, J Bai, RE Valas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), E1762-E1771, 2012
Hemimastigophora is a novel supra-kingdom-level lineage of eukaryotes
G Lax, Y Eglit, L Eme, EM Bertrand, AJ Roger, AGB Simpson
Nature 564 (7736), 410-414, 2018
Microbial metabolites in the marine carbon cycle
MA Moran, EB Kujawinski, WF Schroer, SA Amin, NR Bates, EM Bertrand, ...
Nature Microbiology 7 (4), 508-523, 2022
Influence of vitamin B auxotrophy on nitrogen metabolism in eukaryotic phytoplankton
EM Bertrand, AE Allen
Frontiers in microbiology 3, 375, 2012
Progress and challenges in ocean metaproteomics and proposed best practices for data sharing
MA Saito, EM Bertrand, ME Duffy, DA Gaylord, NA Held, WJ Hervey IV, ...
Journal of proteome research 18 (4), 1461-1476, 2019
Vitamin B1 ecophysiology of marine picoeukaryotic algae: Strain‐specific differences and a new role for bacteria in vitamin cycling
RW Paerl, EM Bertrand, AE Allen, B Palenik, F Azam
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (1), 215-228, 2015
Methionine synthase interreplacement in diatom cultures and communities: Implications for the persistence of B12 use by eukaryotic phytoplankton
EM Bertrand, DM Moran, MR McIlvin, JM Hoffman, AE Allen, MA Saito
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (4), 1431-1450, 2013
A Seasonal Study of Dissolved Cobalt in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Micronutrient Behavior, Absence of Scavenging, and Relationships with Zd, Cd, and P.
MA Saito, TJ Goepfert, AE Noble, EM Bertrand, PN Sedwick, GR DiTullio
Biogeosciences 7 (12), 2010
Proteome changes driven by phosphorus deficiency and recovery in the brown tide-forming alga Aureococcus anophagefferens
LL Wurch, EM Bertrand, MA Saito, BAS Van Mooy, ST Dyhrman
PloS one 6 (12), e28949, 2011
Manganese and iron deficiency in Southern Ocean Phaeocystis antarctica populations revealed through taxon-specific protein indicators
M Wu, JSP McCain, E Rowland, R Middag, M Sandgren, AE Allen, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3582, 2019
Vitamin B12 biosynthesis gene diversity in the Ross Sea: the identification of a new group of putative polar B12 biosynthesizers
EM Bertrand, MA Saito, YJ Jeon, BA Neilan
Environmental Microbiology 13 (5), 1285-1298, 2011
Iron limitation of a springtime bacterial and phytoplankton community in the Ross Sea: implications for vitamin B12 nutrition
EM Bertrand, MA Saito, PA Lee, RB Dunbar, PN Sedwick, GR DiTullio
Frontiers in microbiology 2, 160, 2011
Reaction mechanisms of non-heme diiron hydroxylases characterized in whole cells
E Bertrand, R Sakai, E Rozhkova-Novosad, L Moe, BG Fox, JT Groves, ...
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 99 (10), 1998-2006, 2005
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Articles 1–20