Christoph Lahtz
Christoph Lahtz
Science Director at Space Tango
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Epigenetic changes of DNA repair genes in cancer
C Lahtz, GP Pfeifer
Journal of molecular cell biology 3 (1), 51-58, 2011
CTLA4 aptamer delivers STAT3 siRNA to tumor-associated and malignant T cells
A Herrmann, SJ Priceman, M Kujawski, H Xin, GA Cherryholmes, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 124 (7), 2977-2987, 2014
Methylation of PTEN as a prognostic factor in malignant melanoma of the skin
C Lahtz, R Stranzenbach, E Fiedler, P Helmbold, RH Dammann
The Journal of investigative dermatology 130 (2), 620-622, 2010
TLR9 is critical for glioma stem cell maintenance and targeting
A Herrmann, G Cherryholmes, A Schroeder, J Phallen, D Alizadeh, H Xin, ...
Cancer research 74 (18), 5218-5228, 2014
Frequent hypermethylation of RASSF1A tumour suppressor gene promoter and presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus in small cell lung cancer
P Helmbold, C Lahtz, E Herpel, PA Schnabel, RH Dammann
European journal of cancer 45 (12), 2207-2211, 2009
Frequent intra-tumoural heterogeneity of promoter hypermethylation in malignant melanoma
M Rastetter, U Schagdarsurengin, C Lahtz, E Fiedler, VC Marsch, ...
Histology and histopathology, 2007
Frequent occurrence of RASSF1A promoter hypermethylation and merkel cell polyomavirus in merkel cell carcinoma
P Helmbold, C Lahtz, A Enk, P Herrmann‐Trost, WC Marsch, H Kutzner, ...
Molecular Carcinogenesis: Published in cooperation with the University of …, 2009
CTLA4 promotes Tyk2-STAT3–dependent B-cell oncogenicity
A Herrmann, C Lahtz, T Nagao, JY Song, WC Chan, H Lee, C Yue, T Look, ...
Cancer research 77 (18), 5118-5128, 2017
Gamma irradiation does not induce detectable changes in DNA methylation directly following exposure of human cells
C Lahtz, SE Bates, Y Jiang, AX Li, X Wu, MA Hahn, GP Pfeifer
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e44858, 2012
Integrin α6 signaling induces STAT3-TET3-mediated hydroxymethylation of genes critical for maintenance of glioma stem cells
A Herrmann, C Lahtz, J Song, M Aftabizadeh, GA Cherryholmes, H Xin, ...
Oncogene 39 (10), 2156-2169, 2020
An effective cell-penetrating antibody delivery platform
A Herrmann, T Nagao, C Zhang, C Lahtz, YJ Li, C Yue, R Mülfarth, H Yu
JCI insight 4 (14), 2019
UVB irradiation does not directly induce detectable changes of DNA methylation in human keratinocytes
C Lahtz, SI Kim, SE Bates, AX Li, X Wu, GP Pfeifer
F1000Research 2, 2013
Potent antitumor effects of cell-penetrating peptides targeting STAT3 axis
M Aftabizadeh, YJ Li, Q Zhao, C Zhang, N Ambaye, J Song, T Nagao, ...
JCI insight 6 (2), 2021
CTLA4 aptamer delivers STAT3 siRNA to tumor-associated and malignant T cells
A Herrmann, SJ Priceman, P Swiderski, M Kujawski, H Xin, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 125 (6), 2547-2547, 2015
STAT3 nuclear egress requires exportin 7 via engaging lysine acetylation
A Herrmann, S Nachaev, C Lahtz, B Armstrong, C Kowolik, M Kortylewski, ...
MOJ Cell Sci Rep 1 (1), 9-15, 2014
A targeted vaccine against COVID-19: S1-Fc vaccine targeting the antigen-presenting cell compartment elicits protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection
A Herrmann, J Maruyama, C Yue, C Lahtz, H Zhou, L Kerwin, W Guo, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.06. 29.178616, 2020
Ursprünge epigenetischer Veränderungen in tumorartigen neuroendokrinen Zellen
C Lahtz
Protein-based RBD-C-tag COVID-19 Vaccination Candidate Elicits Protection Activity against SARS-COV-2 Variant Infection
J Subramani, N Shaabani, D Shetty, H Wu, S Kwon, W Li, C Yue, C Lahtz, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.08. 17.456704, 2021
Cell penetrating cyanine-coupled antibodies
A Herrmann, H Yu, C Lahtz
US Patent App. 16/060,009, 2019
Gene Editing: A New Hope!
C Lahtz
Google It: Total Information Awareness, 407-409, 2016
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Articles 1–20