Taehun Lee
Taehun Lee
Jeonbuk National University
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The role of titanium nitride supports for single-atom platinum-based catalysts in fuel cell technology
RQ Zhang, TH Lee, BD Yu, C Stampfl, A Soon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (48), 16552-16557, 2012
Revisiting Polytypism in Hexagonal Ternary Sulfide ZnIn2S4 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Within the Z-Scheme
J Lee, H Kim, T Lee, W Jang, KH Lee, A Soon
Chemistry of Materials 31 (21), 9148-9155, 2019
Unraveling the intercalation chemistry of hexagonal tungsten bronze and its optical responses
Y Lee, T Lee, W Jang, A Soon
Chemistry of Materials 28 (13), 4528-4535, 2016
Understanding the advantage of hexagonal WO 3 as an efficient photoanode for solar water splitting: a first-principles perspective
T Lee, Y Lee, W Jang, A Soon
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (29), 11498-11506, 2016
Phase stability diagrams of group 6 Magnéli oxides and their implications for photon-assisted applications
YJ Lee, T Lee, A Soon
Chemistry of Materials 31 (11), 4282-4290, 2019
Environment-dependent nanomorphology of TiN: the influence of surface vacancies
T Lee, B Delley, C Stampfl, A Soon
Nanoscale 4 (16), 5183-5188, 2012
Aligning the band structures of polymorphic molybdenum oxides and organic emitters in light-emitting diodes
J Yun, W Jang, T Lee, Y Lee, A Soon
Physical Review Applied 7 (2), 024025, 2017
Completing the picture of initial oxidation on copper
YJ Lee, TT Ly, T Lee, K Palotás, SY Jeong, J Kim, A Soon
Applied Surface Science 562, 150148, 2021
In situ defect engineering route to optimize the cationic redox activity of layered double hydroxide nanosheet via strong electronic coupling with holey substrate
X Jin, T Lee, W Tamakloe, SB Patil, A Soon, YM Kang, SJ Hwang
Advanced Science 9 (1), 2103368, 2022
Growing Ultrathin Cu2O Films on Highly Crystalline Cu(111): A Closer Inspection from Microscopy and Theory
TT Ly, T Lee, S Kim, YJ Lee, G Duvjir, K Jang, K Palotás, SY Jeong, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (20), 12716-12721, 2019
Disentangling the effects of inter-and intra-octahedral distortions on the electronic structure in binary metal trioxides
W Jang, J Yun, T Lee, Y Lee, A Soon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (6), 3558-3566, 2018
Ab initio Thermodynamics of Surface Oxide Structures Under Controlled Growth Conditions
T Lee, Y Lee, S Piccinin, A Soon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (4), 2228-2233, 2017
Atomic structure and work function modulations in two-dimensional ultrathin CuI films on Cu (111) from First-Principles calculations
G Lee, YJ Lee, K Palotás, T Lee, A Soon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (30), 16362-16370, 2020
Composition-controlled ultrathin holey TiO1− xNx nanosheets as powerful hybridization matrices for highly mass-efficient electrocatalysts
X Jin, KG Lee, T Lee, G Lee, SM Oh, A Soon, SJ Hwang
Chemical Engineering Journal 437, 135415, 2022
Polytypism in hexagonal tungsten trioxide: Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
Y Lee, T Lee, A Soon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (37), 21644-21650, 2018
Polymorphic expressions of ultrathin oxidic layers of Mo on Au (111)
T Lee, YJ Lee, K Palotás, G Lee, C Stampfl, A Soon
Nanoscale 11 (13), 6023-6035, 2019
In search of non-conventional surface oxidic motifs of Cu on Au (111)
T Lee, Y Lee, K Kang, A Soon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (10), 7349-7358, 2016
The rise of ab initio surface thermodynamics
T Lee, A Soon
Nature Catalysis 7 (1), 4-6, 2024
Structure, Electronic Properties, and Defect Chemistry of Delafossite CuRhO2 Bulk and Surfaces
T Lee, M Ferri, S Piccinin, A Selloni
Chemistry of Materials 34 (4), 1567-1577, 2022
Vacancy‐Assisted Transformation of MoS2 Nanosheets into Defective MoSx Nanoclusters to Regulate Sodium‐Ion Electrode Functionality
X Jin, T Lee, A Soon, SJ Hwang
Advanced Functional Materials, 2316446, 2024
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Articles 1–20