James V. Staros
James V. Staros
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Enhancement by N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide of water-soluble carbodiimide-mediated coupling reactions
JV Staros, RW Wright, DM Swingle
Analytical biochemistry 156 (1), 220-222, 1986
N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide active esters: bis (N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide) esters of two dicarboxylic acids are hydrophilic, membrane-impermeant, protein cross-linkers
JV Staros
Biochemistry 21 (17), 3950-3955, 1982
Affinity labeling of the protein kinase associated with the epidermal growth factor receptor in membrane vesicles from A431 cells.
SA Buhrow, S Cohen, JV Staros
Journal of Biological Chemistry 257 (8), 4019-4022, 1982
Reduction of aryl azides by thiols: implications for the use of photoaffinity reagents
JV Staros, H Bayley, DN Standring, JR Knowles
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 80 (3), 568-572, 1978
Reactions of N‐hydroxysulfosuccinimide active esters*
PSR Anjaneyulu, JV STAROS
International journal of peptide and protein research 30 (1), 117-124, 1987
Photochemical labeling of the surface proteins of human erythrocytes
JV Staros, FM Richards
Biochemistry 13 (13), 2720-2726, 1974
Characterization of glycosylation sites of the epidermal growth factor receptor
Y Zhen, RM Caprioli, JV Staros
Biochemistry 42 (18), 5478-5492, 2003
Identification of residues in the nucleotide binding site of the epidermal growth factor receptor/kinase.
MW Russo, TJ Lukas, S Cohen, JV Staros
Journal of Biological Chemistry 260 (9), 5205-5208, 1985
Evolutionary analysis of the ErbB receptor and ligand families
RA Stein, JV Staros
Journal of molecular evolution 50, 397-412, 2000
Functional effects of glycosylation at Asn-579 of the epidermal growth factor receptor
KB Whitson, SR Whitson, ML Red-Brewer, AJ McCoy, AA Vitali, F Walker, ...
Biochemistry 44 (45), 14920-14931, 2005
Binding specificity of the periplasmic oligopeptide-binding protein from Escherichia coli
CA Guyer, DG Morgan, JV Staros
Journal of bacteriology 168 (2), 775-779, 1986
Characterization of the interaction of 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine with the epidermal growth factor receptor/protein kinase in A431 cell membranes.
SA Buhrow, S Cohen, DL Garbers, JV Staros
Journal of Biological Chemistry 258 (12), 7824-7827, 1983
Aryl azide photolabels in biochemistry
JV Staros
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 5 (12), 320-322, 1980
Membrane-impermeant crosslinking reagents: probes of the structure and dynamics of membrane proteins
JV Staros
Accounts of Chemical Research 21 (12), 435-441, 1988
Insights into the evolution of the ErbB receptor family and their ligands from sequence analysis
RA Stein, JV Staros
BMC evolutionary biology 6, 1-17, 2006
A kinase-negative epidermal growth factor receptor that retains the capacity to stimulate DNA synthesis.
KJ Coker, JV Staros, CA Guyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (15), 6967-6971, 1994
High‐yield trapping of EGF‐induced receptor dimers by chemical cross‐linking1
BO Fanger, JE Stephens, JV Staros
The FASEB journal 3 (1), 71-75, 1989
Human erythrocytes and resealed ghosts: a comparison of membrane topology
JV Staros, BE Haley, FM Richards
Journal of Biological Chemistry 249 (15), 5004-5007, 1974
Interaction of specific platelet membrane proteins with collagen: evidence from chemical crosslinking
NJ Kotite, JV Staros, LW Cunningham
Biochemistry 23 (13), 3099-3104, 1984
Cross-linking and chymotryptic digestion of the extractoplasmic domain of the anion exchange channel in intact human erythrocytes
JV Staros, BP Kakkad
The Journal of membrane biology 74, 247-254, 1983
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