Shin-ichi Nakano
Shin-ichi Nakano
Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
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Temperature-dependent dominance of Microcystis (Cyanophyceae) species: M. aeruginosa and M. wesenbergii
H Imai, KH Chang, M Kusaba, S Nakano
Journal of plankton research 31 (2), 171-178, 2009
Algicidal effect of the bacterium Alcaligenes denitrificans on Microcystis spp.
PM Manage, Z Kawabata, S Nakano
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22 (2), 111-117, 2000
Hidden in plain sight—highly abundant and diverse planktonic freshwater Chloroflexi
M Mehrshad, MM Salcher, Y Okazaki, S Nakano, K Šimek, AS Andrei, ...
Microbiome 6, 1-13, 2018
Drifting plankton from a reservoir subsidize downstream food webs and alter community structure
H Doi, KH Chang, T Ando, H Imai, S Nakano, A Kajimoto, I Katano
Oecologia 156, 363-371, 2008
Dynamics of cyanophage-like particles and algicidal bacteria causing Microcystis aeruginosa mortality
PM Manage, Z Kawabata, S Nakano
Limnology 2, 73-78, 2001
Longitudinal changes in zooplankton distribution below a reservoir outfall with reference to river planktivory
KH Chang, H Doi, H Imai, F Gunji, S Nakano
Limnology 9, 125-133, 2008
Trophic roles of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates among planktonic organisms in a hypereutrophic pond
S Nakano, N Ishii, PM Manage
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 16 (2), 153-161, 1998
Resource availability and ecosystem size predict food‐chain length in pond ecosystems
H Doi, KH Chang, T Ando, I Ninomiya, H Imai, S Nakano
Oikos 118 (1), 138-144, 2009
Ubiquity and quantitative significance of bacterioplankton lineages inhabiting the oxygenated hypolimnion of deep freshwater lakes
Y Okazaki, S Fujinaga, A Tanaka, A Kohzu, H Oyagi, S Nakano
The ISME Journal 11 (10), 2279-2293, 2017
Carbon: nitrogen: posphorus ratios and nutrient regeneration of a heterotrophic flaggelates fed on bacteria with different elemental ratios
S Nakano
Arch. Hydrobiol. 129, 257-271, 1994
Seasonal changes in densities of cyanophage infectious to Microcystis aeruginosa in a hypereutrophic pond
PM Manage, Z Kawabata, S Nakano
Hydrobiologia 411, 211-216, 1999
A novel alphaproteobacterial ectosymbiont promotes the growth of the hydrocarbon-rich green alga Botryococcus braunii
Y Tanabe, Y Okazaki, M Yoshida, H Matsuura, A Kai, T Shiratori, K Ishida, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10467, 2015
Mass mortality of the Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii in relation to water temperature, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton composition
Y Tomaru, Z Kawabata, S Nakano
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 44 (1), 61-68, 2001
Genome‐resolved viral and cellular metagenomes revealed potential key virus‐host interactions in a deep freshwater lake
Y Okazaki, Y Nishimura, T Yoshida, H Ogata, S Nakano
Environmental Microbiology 21 (12), 4740-4754, 2019
Pollution study in Manila Bay: eutrophication and its impact on plankton community
KH Chang, A Amano, TW Miller, T Isobe, R Maneja, FP Siringan, H Imai, ...
OBAYASHI, Y.; ISOBE, T.; SUBRAMANIAN, A, 2009.261-267, 2009
Relative importance of nanoflagellates and ciliates as consumers of bacteria in a coastal sea area dominated by oligotrichous Strombidium and Strobilidium
D Ichinotsuka, H Ueno, S Nakano
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 42 (2), 139-147, 2006
Seasonal dominance of CL500-11 bacterioplankton (phylum Chloroflexi) in the oxygenated hypolimnion of Lake Biwa, Japan
Y Okazaki, Y Hodoki, S Nakano
FEMS microbiology ecology 83 (1), 82-92, 2013
Vertical partitioning of freshwater bacterioplankton community in a deep mesotrophic lake with a fully oxygenated hypolimnion (Lake Biwa, Japan)
Y Okazaki, SI Nakano
Environmental Microbiology Reports 8 (5), 780-788, 2016
Metaepigenomic analysis reveals the unexplored diversity of DNA methylation in an environmental prokaryotic community
S Hiraoka, Y Okazaki, M Anda, A Toyoda, S Nakano, W Iwasaki
Nature communications 10 (1), 159, 2019
Effect of heterotrophic nanoflagellates on the loss of virus-like particles in pond water
PM Manage, Z Kawabata, S Nakano, Y Nishibe
Ecological Research 17, 473-479, 2002
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Articles 1–20