Youngjune Park
Cited by
Cited by
Sequestering carbon dioxide into complex structures of naturally occurring gas hydrates
Y Park, DY Kim, JW Lee, DG Huh, KP Park, J Lee, H Lee
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (34), 12690-12694, 2006
Energy-efficient natural gas hydrate production using gas exchange
DY Koh, H Kang, JW Lee, Y Park, SJ Kim, J Lee, JY Lee, H Lee
Applied Energy 162, 114-130, 2016
Calcium Carbonate Precipitation for CO2 Storage and Utilization: A Review of the Carbonate Crystallization and Polymorphism
R Chang, S Kim, S Lee, S Choi, M Kim, Y Park
Frontiers in Energy Research 5, 17, 2017
Tuning Crystal Polymorphisms and Structural Investigation of Precipitated Calcium Carbonates for CO2 Mineralization
R Chang, D Choi, MH Kim, Y Park
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (2), 1659-1667, 2017
Tuning the dissolution kinetics of wollastonite via chelating agents for CO 2 sequestration with integrated synthesis of precipitated calcium carbonates
H Zhao, Y Park, DH Lee, AHA Park
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (36), 15185-15192, 2013
Swapping phenomena occurring in deep-sea gas hydrates
K Shin, Y Park, M Cha, KP Park, DG Huh, J Lee, SJ Kim, H Lee
Energy & Fuels 22 (5), 3160-3163, 2008
Tuning clathrate hydrates: Application to hydrogen storage
DY Kim, Y Park, H Lee
Catalysis today 120 (3-4), 257-261, 2007
Investigation of CO 2 capture mechanisms of liquid-like nanoparticle organic hybrid materials via structural characterization
Y Park, J Decatur, KYA Lin, AHA Park
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (40), 18115-18122, 2011
Recent Advances in Anhydrous Solvents for CO2 Capture: Ionic Liquids, Switchable Solvents, and Nanoparticle Organic Hybrid Materials
Y Park, KYA Lin, AHA Park, C Petit
Frontiers in Energy Research 3, 42, 2015
Investigation of thermodynamic and kinetic effects of cyclopentane derivatives on CO2 hydrates for potential application to seawater desalination
S Hong, S Moon, Y Lee, S Lee, Y Park
Chemical Engineering Journal 363, 99-106, 2019
Method for recovering methane gas from natural gas hydrate
H Lee, D Kim, YJ Park
US Patent 7,988,750, 2011
One-step formation of hydrogen clusters in clathrate hydrates stabilized via natural gas blending
YH Ahn, S Moon, DY Koh, S Hong, H Lee, JW Lee, Y Park
Energy Storage Materials 24, 655-661, 2020
Tuning cage dimension in clathrate hydrates for hydrogen multiple occupancy
DY Koh, H Kang, J Jeon, YH Ahn, Y Park, H Kim, H Lee
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (6), 3324-3330, 2014
CO2 Capture Capacity and Swelling Measurements of Liquid-like Nanoparticle Organic Hybrid Materials via Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform …
Y Park, D Shin, YN Jang, AHA Park
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 57 (1), 40-45, 2012
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Canopy Configurations in Nanoparticle Organic Hybrid Materials of Various Grafting Densities during CO2 Capture
C Petit, Y Park, KYA Lin, AHA Park
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (1), 516-525, 2012
Critical hydrogen concentration of hydrogen-natural gas blends in clathrate hydrates for blue hydrogen storage
S Moon, Y Lee, D Seo, S Lee, S Hong, YH Ahn, Y Park
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 141, 110789, 2021
Occurrence of near-seafloor gas hydrates and associated cold vents in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea
JJ Bahk, JH Kim, GS Kong, Y Park, H Lee, Y Park, KP Park
Geosciences Journal 13, 371-385, 2009
Low-Temperature Regeneration of Amines Integrated with Production of Structure-Controlled Calcium Carbonates for Combined CO2 Capture and Utilization
S Hong, G Sim, S Moon, Y Park
Energy & Fuels 34 (3), 3532-3539, 2020
Spectroscopic Observation of Critical Guest Concentration Appearing in tert-Butyl Alcohol Clathrate Hydrate
Y Park, M Cha, W Shin, H Lee, JA Ripmeester
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (29), 8443-8446, 2008
Effect of canopy structures and their steric interactions on CO 2 sorption behavior of liquid-like nanoparticle organic hybrid materials
AHAP Youngjune Park, Camille Petit, Petrick Han
RSC Advances 4 (17), 8723-8726, 2014
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Articles 1–20