Elia Quirós Rosado
Elia Quirós Rosado
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Mapping landslide susceptibility with logistic regression, multiple adaptive regression splines, classification and regression trees, and maximum entropy methods: a comparative …
ÁM Felicísimo, A Cuartero, J Remondo, E Quirós
Landslides 10 (2), 175-189, 2013
Testing multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) as a method of land cover classification of TERRA-ASTER satellite images
E Quirós, ÁM Felicísimo, A Cuartero
Sensors 9 (11), 9011-9028, 2009
GEDI elevation accuracy assessment: a case study of southwest Spain
E Quiros, ME Polo, L Fragoso-Campón
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Introducción a la Fotogrametría y Cartografía aplicadas a la Ingeniería Civil
E Quirós
Madrid: Universidad de Extremadura, 2014
Assessing the potential of multispectral and thermal UAV imagery from archaeological sites. A case study from the Iron Age hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Cáceres, Spain)
JÁS Carmona, E Quirós, V Mayoral, C Charro
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31, 102312, 2020
Semiautomatic detection and classification of materials in historic buildings with low-cost photogrammetric equipment
J Sánchez, E Quirós
Journal of cultural heritage 25, 21-30, 2017
Solar potential of rooftops in Cáceres city, Spain
E Quirós, M Pozo, J Ceballos
Journal of Maps 14 (1), 44-51, 2018
Overstory-understory land cover mapping at the watershed scale: accuracy enhancement by multitemporal remote sensing analysis and LiDAR
L Fragoso-Campón, E Quirós, J Mora, JA Gutiérrez Gallego, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (1), 75-88, 2020
Crop identification by massive processing of multiannual satellite imagery for EU common agriculture policy subsidy control
A Lozano-Tello, M Fernández-Sellers, E Quirós, L Fragoso-Campón, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 54 (1), 1-12, 2021
Accuracy enhancement for land cover classification using lidar and multitemporal sentinel 2 images in a forested watershed
L Fragoso-Campón, E Quirós, J Mora, JA Gutiérrez, P Durán-Barroso
Proceedings 2 (20), 1280, 2018
Relationship of NDVI and oak (Quercus) pollen including a predictive model in the SW Mediterranean region
R González-Naharro, E Quirós, S Fernández-Rodríguez, I Silva-Palacios, ...
Science of the total environment 676, 407-419, 2019
Recursos abiertos de información geográfica para investigación y documentación científica
E Quirós, ME Polo
Revista Española de Documentación Científica 41 (3), e214-e214, 2018
Validation of flood risk maps using open source optical and radar satellite imagery
E Quirós, AS Gagnon
Transactions in GIS 24 (5), 1208-1226, 2020
Radiography of an Iron Age hillfort: Non-invasive archaeology in the settlement of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Cáceres)
V Mayoral Herrera, C Charro Lobato, JÁ Salgado Carmona, C Pro Muñoz, ...
CSIC-Instituto de Historia (IH), 2019
Biological-based and remote sensing techniques to link vegetative and reproductive development and assess pollen emission in Mediterranean grasses
J Rojo, J Romero-Morte, B Lara, E Quirós, AD Richardson, R Pérez-Badía
Ecological Informatics 72, 101898, 2022
Accesibilidad peatonal a los servicios educativos de la ciudad de Ibagué-Tolima, Colombia
MS Alvarez Rojas, E Quirós Rosado, JA Gutiérrez Gallego
Revista cartográfica, 305-328, 2019
Circular statistics applied to the study of the solar radiation potential of rooftops in a medium-sized city
ME Polo, M Pozo, E Quirós
Energies 11 (10), 2813, 2018
Clasificación supervisada de imágenes PNOA-NIR y fusión con datos LiDAR-PNOA como apoyo en el inventario forestal. Caso 146 de estudio: Dehesas. Cuad Soc Española Ciencias For …
L Fragoso-Campón, E Quirós Rosado, JA Gutiérrez Gallego
A study of ASTER DEM accuracies and its dependence of software processing
A Cuartero, E Quirós, AM Felicísimo
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Geomorphology, 7-11, 2005
Optimization of land cover mapping through improvements in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image dimensionality and data mining feature selection for hydrological modeling
L Fragoso-Campon, E Quiros, JA Gutierrez Gallego
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35 (12), 2493-2519, 2021
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Articles 1–20