Katie Moriarty
Katie Moriarty
Senior Research Scientist, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)
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Cited by
Experimental evidence that simplified forest structure interacts with snow cover to influence functional connectivity for Pacific martens
KM Moriarty, CW Epps, MG Betts, DJ Hance, JD Bailey, WJ Zielinski
Landscape Ecology 30, 1865-1877, 2015
Wolverine confirmation in California after nearly a century: native or long-distance immigrant?
KM Moriarty, WJ Zielinski, AG Gonzales, TE Dawson, KM Boatner, ...
Northwest Science 83 (2), 154-162, 2009
When are hypotheses useful in ecology and evolution?
MG Betts, AS Hadley, DW Frey, SJK Frey, D Gannon, SH Harris, H Kim, ...
Ecology and evolution 11 (11), 5762-5776, 2021
Forest thinning changes movement patterns and habitat use by Pacific marten
KM Moriarty, CW Epps, WJ Zielinski
The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (4), 621-633, 2016
Stable isotopes reveal limited Eltonian niche conservatism across carnivore populations
PJ Manlick, SM Petersen, KM Moriarty, JN Pauli
Functional Ecology 33 (2), 335-345, 2019
Forest structure and snow depth alter the movement patterns and subsequent expenditures of a forest carnivore, the Pacific marten
ME Martin, KM Moriarty, JN Pauli
Oikos 129 (3), 356-366, 2020
Decline in American marten occupancy rates at Sagehen experimental forest, California
KM Moriarty, WJ Zielinski, ED Forsman
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1774-1787, 2011
Using fine scale resolution vegetation data from LiDAR and ground-based sampling to predict Pacific marten resting habitat at multiple spatial scales
PJ Tweedy, KM Moriarty, JD Bailey, CW Epps
Forest Ecology and Management 452, 117556, 2019
Retained satellite information influences performance of GPS devices in a forested ecosystem
KM Moriarty, CW Epps
Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 (2), 349-357, 2015
Biotic factors influencing the unexpected distribution of a Humboldt marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis) population in a young coastal forest
CE Eriksson, KM Moriarty, MA Linnell, T Levi
PLoS One 14 (5), e0214653, 2019
Using high-resolution short-term location data to describe territoriality in Pacific martens
KM Moriarty, MA Linnell, BE Chasco, CW Epps, WJ Zielinski
Journal of Mammalogy 98 (3), 679-689, 2017
Effects of season on occupancy and implications for habitat modeling: the Pacific marten Martes caurina
WJ Zielinski, KM Moriarty, J Baldwin, TA Kirk, KM Slauson, ...
Wildlife Biology 21 (2), 56-67, 2015
Seeking efficiency with carnivore survey methods: a case study with elusive martens
KM Moriarty, MA Linnell, JE Thornton, GW Watts III
Wildlife Society Bulletin 42 (3), 403-413, 2018
Ketamine and Midazolam Anesthesia in Pacific Martens (Martes caurina)
JA Mortenson, KM Moriarty
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51 (1), 250-254, 2015
Density and population viability of coastal marten: a rare and geographically isolated small carnivore
MA Linnell, K Moriarty, DS Green, T Levi
PeerJ 6, e4530, 2018
Distribution of Pacific marten in coastal Oregon
KM Moriarty
Northwestern Naturalist 97 (2), 71-81, 2016
Landscape seasonality influences the resource selection of a snow-adapted forest carnivore, the Pacific marten
ME Martin, KM Moriarty, JN Pauli
Landscape Ecology 36, 1055-1069, 2021
If a tree falls in a forest: implications of forest structure persistence for the Pacific marten (Martes caurina)
MS Delheimer, KM Moriarty, MA Linnell, BV Woodruff
Ecosphere 10 (8), e02819, 2019
Conservation of rare and cryptic species: Challenges of uncertainty and opportunities for progress
ME Martin, MS Delheimer, KM Moriarty, DA Early, KA Hamm, JN Pauli, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (11), e12809, 2022
Integrating multi‐method surveys and recovery trajectories into occupancy models
BR Barry, K Moriarty, D Green, RA Hutchinson, T Levi
Ecosphere 12 (12), e03886, 2021
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Articles 1–20