Youngsung Kim
Youngsung Kim
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Cited by
Exploratory analysis of a smartphone-based travel survey in Singapore
F Zhao, FC Pereira, R Ball, Y Kim, Y Han, C Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2494 (1), 45-56, 2015
Deep generative-contrastive networks for facial expression recognition
Y Kim, BI Yoo, Y Kwak, C Choi, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07140, 2017
A method to enhance face biometric security
Y Kim, KA Toh
2007 First IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications …, 2007
Device and method for controlling mouse pointer
DH Lee, MS Kwon, S Lee, KA Toh, H Lee, KIM Youngsung, BS Oh, ...
US Patent 8,957,857, 2015
Deep facial age estimation using conditional multitask learning with weak label expansion
BI Yoo, Y Kwak, Y Kim, C Choi, J Kim
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (6), 808-812, 2018
Liveness test method and apparatus
B Yoo, XU Jingtao, C Zhang, H Feng, S Yanhu, K Youngjun, ...
US Patent 11,176,392, 2021
Facial verification method and apparatus
B Yoo, K Youngjun, KIM Youngsung, HAN JaeJoon
US Patent 10,579,865, 2020
Neural network based recognition apparatus and method of training neural network
B Yoo, Y KIM, Y KWAK, CK Choi
US Patent App. 15/463,553, 2017
Evaluating FMS: a preliminary comparison with a traditional travel survey
C Carrion, FC Pereira, R Ball, F Zhao, Y Kim, K Nawarathne, N Zheng, ...
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
Background subtraction using illumination-invariant structural complexity
W Kim, Y Kim
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (5), 634-638, 2016
Activity recognition for a smartphone based travel survey based on cross-user history data
Y Kim, FC Pereira, F Zhao, A Ghorpade, PC Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 432-437, 2014
An online learning network for biometric scores fusion
Y Kim, KA Toh, ABJ Teoh, HL Eng, WY Yau
Neurocomputing 102, 65-77, 2013
Few-shot visual reasoning with meta-analogical contrastive learning
Y Kim, J Shin, E Yang, SJ Hwang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 16846-16856, 2020
A performance driven methodology for cancelable face templates generation
Y Kim, ABJ Teoh, KA Toh
Pattern recognition 43 (7), 2544-2559, 2010
Activity recognition for a smartphone and web based travel survey
Y Kim, FC Pereira, F Zhao, A Ghorpade, PC Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03634, 2015
An online AUC formulation for binary classification
Y Kim, KA Toh, ABJ Teoh, HL Eng, WY Yau
Pattern recognition 45 (6), 2266-2279, 2012
Activity recognition for a smartphone and web-based human mobility sensing system
Y Kim, A Ghorpade, F Zhao, FC Pereira, PC Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
IEEE Intelligent Systems 33 (4), 5-23, 2018
Sparse random projection for efficient cancelable face feature extraction
Y Kim, KA Toh
2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2139-2144, 2008
Residual encoder decoder network and adaptive prior for face parsing
T Guo, Y Kim, H Zhang, D Qian, BI Yoo, J Xu, D Zou, JJ Han, C Choi
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Method and apparatus for analyzing facial image
KIM Youngsung, B Yoo, Q Deheng, H Zhang, CK Choi, H Zheng, ...
US Patent App. 15/795,677, 2018
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Articles 1–20