Jaehyun Cho
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Cited by
Flame Retardant Epoxy Derived from Tannic Acid as Biobased Hardener
YO Kim, J Cho, H Yeo, BW Lee, BJ Moon, YM Ha, YR Jo, YC Jung
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7, 3858-3865, 2019
High-Performance Electroactive Polymer Actuators Based on Ultra-Thick Ionic Polymer–Metal Composites with Nanodispersed Metal Electrodes
HS Wang+, J Cho+, DS Song, JH Jang, JY Jho, JH Park
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017
Super-insulating, flame-retardant, and flexible poly (dimethylsiloxane) composites based on silica aerogel
H Lee, D Lee, J Cho, YO Kim, S Lim, SJ Youn, YC Jung, SY Kim, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 123, 108-113, 2019
Thermally insulating, fire-retardant, smokeless and flexible polyvinylidene fluoride nanofibers filled with silica aerogels
YG Kim, HS Kim, SM Jo, SY Kim, BJ Yang, J Cho, S Lee, JE Cha
Chemical Engineering Journal 351, 473-481, 2018
Thermal conductivity enhancement of reduced graphene oxide via chemical defect healing for efficient heat dissipation
CB Kim, J Lee, J Cho, M Goh
Carbon 139, 386-392, 2018
Enhanced interfacial, electrical, and flexural properties of polyphenylene sulfide composites filled with carbon fibers modified by electrophoretic surface deposition of multi …
M Park, JH Park, BJ Yang, J Cho, SY Kim, I Jung
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 109, 124-130, 2018
Improving dispersion and barrier properties of polyketone/graphene nanoplatelet composites via noncovalent functionalization using aminopyrene
J Cho+, I Jeon+, SY Kim, S Lim, JY Jho
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (33), 27984-27994, 2017
Recyclable, flame-retardant and smoke-suppressing tannic acid-based carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic
YO Kim, J Cho, YN Kim, KW Kim, BW Lee, JW Kim, M Kim, YC Jung
Composites Part B: Engineering 197, 108173, 2020
Enhanced electrical conductivity of polymer nanocomposite based on edge-selectively functionalized graphene nanoplatelets
J Cho, H Lee, KH Nam, H Yeo, CM Yang, DG Seong, D Lee, SY Kim
Composites Science and Technology 189, 108001, 2020
Plasma-assisted mechanochemistry to produce polyamide/boron nitride nanocomposites with high thermal conductivities and mechanical properties
J You, HH Choi, YM Lee, J Cho, M Park, SS Lee, JH Park
Composites Part B: Engineering 164, 710-719, 2019
Flexible and coatable insulating silica aerogel/polyurethane composites via soft segment control
J Cho, HG Jang, SY Kim, B Yang
Composites Science and Technology 171, 244-251, 2019
Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polyketone composites
J Cho, SK Lee, SH Eem, JG Jang, B Yang
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 126, 105599, 2019
Highly thermally conductive and mechanically robust polyamide/graphite nanoplatelet composites via mechanochemical bonding techniques with plasma treatment
J You, HH Choi, J Cho, JG Son, M Park, SS Lee, JH Park
Composites Science and Technology 160, 245-254, 2018
Improving dispersion and mechanical properties of polypropylene/graphene nanoplatelet composites by mixed solvent-assisted melt blending
MG Lee, S Lee, J Cho, JY Jho
Macromolecular Research 28, 1166-1173, 2020
Thermomechanical behavior of polymer composites based on edge-selectively functionalized graphene nanosheets
KH Nam+, J Cho+, H Yeo
Polymers 10 (1), 29, 2018
Ionic polymer–metal composite actuators driven by methylammonium formate for high-voltage and long-term operation
HS Wang, J Cho, HW Park, JY Jho, JH Park
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 96, 194-201, 2021
True self-reinforced composites enabled by tuning of molecular structure for lightweight structural materials in future mobility
H Lee, J Jang, J Kim, YS Kim, J Cho, MN Kim, JT Lee, WH Choi, JM Song, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 465, 142996, 2023
Effect of the fluorination of graphene nanoflake on the dispersion and mechanical properties of polypropylene nanocomposites
MG Lee, S Lee, J Cho, S Bae, JY Jho
Nanomaterials 10 (6), 1171, 2020
Chemical Circularity in 3D Printing with Biobased Δ‐Valerolactone
L Yue, YL Su, M Li, L Yu, X Sun, J Cho, B Brettmann, WR Gutekunst, ...
Advanced Materials, 2310040, 2024
Facile engineering strategy to control polymer chain structure for enhanced dispersion, electrical and sensing properties of nanocomposites
MN Kim, H Lee, J Cho, MJ Oh, SH Kim, J Jang, SY Kim
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 176, 107827, 2024
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Articles 1–20