Wook Ryol Hwang (황욱렬)
Wook Ryol Hwang (황욱렬)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang National University (경상대학교 기계공학부)
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Cited by
Direct simulations of particle suspensions in a viscoelastic fluid in sliding bi-periodic frames
WR Hwang, MA Hulsen, HEH Meijer
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 121 (1), 15-33, 2004
Direct simulation of particle suspensions in sliding bi-periodic frames
WR Hwang, MA Hulsen, HEH Meijer
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (2), 742-772, 2004
Numerical simulations of Stokes–Brinkman equations for permeability prediction of dual scale fibrous porous media
WR Hwang, SG Advani
Physics of Fluids 22 (11), 2010
PDMS-based turbulent microfluidic mixer
JB You, K Kang, TT Tran, H Park, WR Hwang, JM Kim, SG Im
Lab on a Chip 15 (7), 1727-1735, 2015
Microfluidic assessment of mechanical cell damage by extensional stress
YB Bae, HK Jang, TH Shin, G Phukan, TT Tran, G Lee, WR Hwang, ...
Lab on a Chip 16 (1), 96-103, 2016
Permeability prediction of fibrous porous media with complex 3D architectures
HL Liu, WR Hwang
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 43 (11), 2030-2038, 2012
Modeling of flow-induced crystallization of particle-filled polymers
WR Hwang, GWM Peters, MA Hulsen, HEH Meijer
Macromolecules 39 (24), 8389-8398, 2006
Dynamical modeling of chaos single‐screw extruder and its three‐dimensional numerical analysis
WR Hwang, TH Kwon
Polymer Engineering & Science 40 (3), 702-714, 2000
Characterization of bubble mobility in channel flow with fibrous porous media walls
JJ Gangloff Jr, WR Hwang, SG Advani
International journal of multiphase flow 60, 76-86, 2014
Permeability prediction of fibrous porous media in a bi-periodic domain
JF Wang, WR Hwang
Journal of composite materials 42 (9), 909-929, 2008
Structure formation of non‐colloidal particles in viscoelastic fluids subjected to simple shear flow
WR Hwang, MA Hulsen
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 296 (3‐4), 321-330, 2011
Direct numerical simulations of hard particle suspensions in planar elongational flow
WR Hwang, MA Hulsen
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 136 (2-3), 167-178, 2006
Direct simulations of particle deposition and filtration in dual-scale porous media
WR Hwang, SG Advani, S Walsh
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 42 (10), 1344-1352, 2011
Chaotic advection in a cavity flow with rigid particles
WR Hwang, PD Anderson, MA Hulsen
Physics of fluids 17 (4), 2005
Prediction of capillary pressure for resin flow between fibers
M Yeager, WR Hwang, SG Advani
Composites Science and Technology 126, 130-138, 2016
Nitric oxide-releasing bacterial cellulose/chitosan crosslinked hydrogels for the treatment of polymicrobial wound infections
N Hasan, J Lee, HJ Ahn, WR Hwang, MA Bahar, H Habibie, MN Amir, ...
Pharmaceutics 14 (1), 22, 2021
Characterization on the anisotropic slip for flows over unidirectional fibrous porous media for advanced composites manufacturing
J Lu, HK Jang, SB Lee, WR Hwang
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 100, 9-19, 2017
Experiments on chaotic mixing in a screw channel flow
WR Hwang, HS Jun, TH Kwon
AIChE journal 48 (8), 1621-1630, 2002
Direct numerical simulations of droplet emulsions in sliding bi-periodic frames using the level-set method
SJ Kim, WR Hwang
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 615-634, 2007
Dynamical systems in pin mixers of single‐screw extruders
WR Hwang, KW Kang, TH Kwon
AIChE journal 50 (7), 1372-1385, 2004
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Articles 1–20