Seung Jae Yang
Seung Jae Yang
Professor, Chemical Engineering, Inha University
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Cited by
Surface modifications for the effective dispersion of carbon nanotubes in solvents and polymers
SW Kim, T Kim, YS Kim, HS Choi, HJ Lim, SJ Yang, CR Park
Carbon 50 (1), 3-33, 2012
MOF-derived hierarchically porous carbon with exceptional porosity and hydrogen storage capacity
SJ Yang, T Kim, JH Im, YS Kim, K Lee, H Jung, CR Park
Chemistry of Materials 24 (3), 464-470, 2012
Preparation and exceptional lithium anodic performance of porous carbon-coated ZnO quantum dots derived from a metal–organic framework
SJ Yang, S Nam, T Kim, JH Im, H Jung, JH Kang, S Wi, B Park, CR Park
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (20), 7394-7397, 2013
(Front Cover) Rational Design of Nanostructured Functional Interlayer/Separator for Advanced Li-S Batteries
YC Jeong, JH Kim, S Nam, CR Park*, SJ Yang*, * co-correspondence
Advanced Functional Materials 19, 1707411, 2018
Preparation and enhanced hydrostability and hydrogen storage capacity of CNT@ MOF-5 hybrid composite
SJ Yang, JY Choi, HK Chae, JH Cho, KS Nahm, CR Park
Chemistry of Materials 21 (9), 1893-1897, 2009
(ACS Editors` Choice) Hidden Second Oxidation Step of Hummers Method
JH Kang, T Kim, J Choi, J Park, YS Kim, MS Chang, H Jung, K Park, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28, 756, 2016
Flexible and Robust Thermoelectric Generators Based on All-Carbon Nanotube Yarn without Metal Electrodes
J Choi, Y Jung, SJ Yang, JY Oh, J Oh, J Kiyoung, JG Son, SE Moon, ...
ACS Nano 11 (8), 7608, 2017
(Front Cover) Preparation of Highly Moisture‐Resistant Black‐Colored Metal Organic Frameworks
SJ Yang, CR Park
Advanced Materials 24 (29), 4010-4013, 2012
Recent progress on biomass‐derived ecomaterials toward advanced rechargeable lithium batteries
J Liu, H Yuan, X Tao, Y Liang, SJ Yang, JQ Huang, TQ Yuan, MM Titirici, ...
EcoMat 2 (1), e12019, 2020
MOF-derived ZnO and ZnO@ C composites with high photocatalytic activity and adsorption capacity
SJ Yang, JH Im, T Kim, K Lee, CR Park
Journal of hazardous materials 186 (1), 376-382, 2011
Enhanced hydrogen storage capacity of Pt-loaded CNT@ MOF-5 hybrid composites
SJ Yang, JH Cho, KS Nahm, CR Park
International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (23), 13062-13067, 2010
Recent advances in hydrogen storage technologies based on nanoporous carbon materials
SJ Yang, H Jung, T Kim, CR Park
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 22 (6), 632-639, 2012
Rational design of exfoliated 1T MoS2@ CNT-based bifunctional separator for lithium sulfur batteries
YC Jeong, JH Kim, SH Kwon, JY Oh, J Park, Y Jung, SG Lee, SJ Yang*, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (45), 23909-23918, 2017
Self-Assembly of Metal-Phenolic-Mesocrystals and Morphosynthetic Transformation towards Hierarchically Porous Carbons
SJ Yang, M Antonietti, N Fechler
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (25), 8269, 2015
Si-doping effect on the enhanced hydrogen storage of single walled carbon nanotubes and graphene
JH Cho, SJ Yang, K Lee, CR Park
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (19), 12286-12295, 2011
Easy synthesis of highly nitrogen-enriched graphitic carbon with a high hydrogen storage capacity at room temperature
SJ Yang, JH Cho, GH Oh, KS Nahm, CR Park
Carbon 47 (6), 1585-1591, 2009
Revisiting Lithium‐and Sodium‐Ion Storage in Hard Carbon Anodes
H Kim, JC Hyun, DH Kim, JH Kwak, JB Lee, JH Moon, J Choi, HD Lim, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (12), 2209128, 2023
Simple and cost-effective reduction of graphite oxide by sulfuric acid
D Kim, SJ Yang*, YS Kim, H Jung, CR Park*, *co-corresponding author
Carbon 50 (9), 3229-3232, 2012
(Front Cover) Preparation of a freestanding, macroporous reduced graphene oxide film as an efficient and recyclable sorbent for oils and organic solvents
SJ Yang*, JH Kang*, H Jung, T Kim, CR Park, *equally contributed
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (33), 9427-9432, 2013
Solvent evaporation mediated preparation of hierarchically porous metal organic framework-derived carbon with controllable and accessible large-scale porosity
SJ Yang, T Kim, K Lee, YS Kim, J Yoon, CR Park
Carbon 71, 294, 2014
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Articles 1–20