Christopher G. Elles
Christopher G. Elles
Professor of Chemistry, University of Kansas
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Connecting chemical dynamics in gases and liquids
CG Elles, FF Crim
Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 57 (1), 273-302, 2006
Excitation-energy dependence of the mechanism for two-photon ionization of liquid H2O and D2O from 8.3 to12. 4eV
CG Elles, AE Jailaubekov, RA Crowell, SE Bradforth
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (4), 2006
Chasing charge localization and chemical reactivity following photoionization in liquid water
O Marsalek, CG Elles, PA Pieniazek, E Pluhařová, J VandeVondele, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (22), 2011
Excited state dynamics of liquid water: Insight from the dissociation reaction following two-photon excitation
CG Elles, IA Shkrob, RA Crowell, SE Bradforth
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (16), 2007
Controlling the excited-state reaction dynamics of a photochromic molecular switch with sequential two-photon excitation
CL Ward, CG Elles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (20), 2995-3000, 2012
Vibrational relaxation of in the gas phase and in solution
CG Elles, MJ Cox, FF Crim
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (15), 6973-6979, 2004
Electronic structure of liquid water from polarization-dependent two-photon absorption spectroscopy
CG Elles, CA Rivera, Y Zhang, PA Pieniazek, SE Bradforth
The journal of chemical physics 130 (8), 2009
Spectrally tailored narrowband pulses for femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy in the range 330-750 nm
E Pontecorvo, C Ferrante, CG Elles, T Scopigno
Optics express 21 (6), 6866-6872, 2013
Cycloreversion dynamics of a photochromic molecular switch via one-photon and sequential two-photon excitation
CL Ward, CG Elles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (43), 10011-10019, 2014
Structural rearrangement accompanying the ultrafast electrocyclization reaction of a photochromic molecular switch
E Pontecorvo, C Ferrante, CG Elles, T Scopigno
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (24), 6915-6921, 2014
Vibrational relaxation of in solution: Excitation level dependence
CG Elles, D Bingemann, MM Heckscher, FF Crim
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (12), 5587-5595, 2003
Recombination dynamics and hydrogen abstraction reactions of chlorine radicals in solution
L Sheps, AC Crowther, CG Elles, FF Crim
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (19), 4296-4302, 2005
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of [Mn(CO)3] Complexes: Tuning the Kinetics of Light-Driven CO Release and Solvent Binding
WC Henke, CJ Otolski, WNG Moore, CG Elles, JD Blakemore
Inorganic chemistry 59 (4), 2178-2187, 2020
Ultrafast dynamics of encapsulated molecules reveals new insight on the photoisomerization mechanism for azobenzenes
CJ Otolski, AM Raj, V Ramamurthy, CG Elles
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (1), 121-127, 2018
Transient x-ray absorption spectroscopy of hydrated halogen atom
CG Elles, IA Shkrob, RA Crowell, DA Arms, EC Landahl
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (6), 2008
Two-photon absorption spectroscopy of trans-stilbene, cis-stilbene, and phenanthrene: Theory and experiment
M De Wergifosse, AL Houk, AI Krylov, CG Elles
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (14), 2017
Spatial confinement alters the ultrafast photoisomerization dynamics of azobenzenes
CJ Otolski, AM Raj, V Ramamurthy, CG Elles
Chemical Science 11 (35), 9513-9523, 2020
Visualizing excited-state dynamics of a diaryl thiophene: Femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering as a probe of conjugated molecules
G Batignani, E Pontecorvo, C Ferrante, M Aschi, CG Elles, T Scopigno
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (15), 2981-2988, 2016
Two-Photon Excitation of trans-Stilbene: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Electronically Excited States above S1
AL Houk, IL Zheldakov, TA Tommey, CG Elles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (29), 9335-9344, 2015
Probing dynamics in higher-lying electronic states with resonance-enhanced femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy
TJ Quincy, MS Barclay, M Caricato, CG Elles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (42), 8308-8319, 2018
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Articles 1–20