Yuehe Lin
Cited by
Cited by
Graphene based electrochemical sensors and biosensors: a review
Y Shao, J Wang, H Wu, J Liu, IA Aksay, Y Lin
Electroanalysis 22 (10), 1027-1036, 2010
Nitrogen-doped graphene and its application in electrochemical biosensing
Y Wang, Y Shao, DW Matson, J Li, Y Lin
ACS Nano 4 (4), 1790-1798, 2010
In Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
GE Fryxell, R Shane Addleman, SV Mattigod, Y Lin, TS Zemanian, H Wu, ...
Dekker, New York, NY, 2004
Graphene and graphene oxide: biofunctionalization and applications in biotechnology
Y Wang, Z Li, J Wang, J Li, Y Lin
Trends in biotechnology 29 (5), 205-212, 2011
Solubilization of carbon nanotubes by Nafion toward the preparation of amperometric biosensors
J Wang, M Musameh, Y Lin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (9), 2408-2409, 2003
Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
C Zhu, G Yang, H Li, D Du, Y Lin
Analytical Chemistry 87 (1), 230-249, 2015
Glucose oxidase–graphene–chitosan modified electrode for direct electrochemistry and glucose sensing
X Kang, J Wang, H Wu, IA Aksay, J Liu, Y Lin
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 (4), 901-905, 2009
Low-potential stable NADH detection at carbon-nanotube-modified glassy carbon electrodes
M Musameh, J Wang, A Merkoci, Y Lin
Electrochemistry Communications 4 (10), 743-746, 2002
Nitrogen-doped graphene and its electrochemical applications
Y Shao, S Zhang, MH Engelhard, G Li, G Shao, Y Wang, J Liu, IA Aksay, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (35), 7491-7496, 2010
Glucose biosensors based on carbon nanotube nanoelectrode ensembles
Y Lin, F Lu, Y Tu, Z Ren
Nano Letters 4 (2), 191-195, 2004
Single-Atom Electrocatalysts
CZ Zhu, S Fu, Q Shi, D Du, Y Lin
Angewandte Chemie 56, 13944–13960, 2017
Graphene/TiO2 nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization and application in hydrogen evolution from water photocatalytic splitting
XY Zhang, HP Li, XL Cui, Y Lin
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (14), 2801-2806, 2010
Aptamer/graphene oxide nanocomplex for in situ molecular probing in living cells
Y Wang, Z Li, D Hu, CT Lin, J Li, Y Lin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (27), 9274-9276, 2010
Facile and controllable electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide and its applications
Y Shao, J Wang, M Engelhard, C Wang, Y Lin
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (4), 743-748, 2010
Robust noble metal-based electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction
Q Shi, C Zhu, D Du, Y Lin
Chemical Society Reviews 48, 3181-3192, 2019
Highly efficient nonprecious metal catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction based on three-dimensional porous carbon nanostructures
CZ Zhu, H Li, SF Fu, D Du, Y Lin
Chemical Society Review 45, 517-531, 2016
Novel catalyst support materials for PEM fuel cells: current status and future prospects
Y Shao, J Liu, Y Wang, Y Lin
Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (1), 46-59, 2009
Graphene based materials for biomedical applications
Y Yang, AM Asiri, Z Tang, D Du, Y Lin
Materials Today 16 (10), 365-373, 2013
Enhanced activity and stability of Pt catalysts on functionalized graphene sheets for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction
R Kou, Y Shao, D Wang, MH Engelhard, JH Kwak, J Wang, ...
Electrochemistry Communications 11 (5), 954-957, 2009
Monodispersed core-shell Fe3O4@ Au nanoparticles
L Wang, L Wang, J Luo, Q Fan, M Suzuki, IS Suzuki, MH Engelhard, Y Lin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (46), 21593-21601, 2005
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