Vanessa F. Jaiteh
Vanessa F. Jaiteh
Senior Research Scientist, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
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Higher abundance of marine predators and changes in fishers' behavior following spatial protection within the world's biggest shark fishery
VF Jaiteh, SJ Lindfield, S Mangubhai, C Warren, B Fitzpatrick, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 43, 2016
The end of shark finning? Impacts of declining catches and fin demand on coastal community livelihoods.
VF Jaiteh, NR Loneragan, C Warren
Marine Policy 82, 224-233., 2017
Genetic structure and signatures of selection in grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)
P Momigliano, R Harcourt, WD Robbins, V Jaiteh, GN Mahardika, ...
Heredity 119 (3), 142-153, 2017
Shark finning in eastern Indonesia: assessing the sustainability of a data-poor fishery
VF Jaiteh, AR Hordyk, M Braccini, C Warren, NR Loneragan
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (1), 242-253, 2017
Subsurface behavior of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) interacting with fish trawl nets in northwestern Australia: Implications for bycatch mitigation
VF Jaiteh, SJ Allen, JJ Meeuwig, NR Loneragan
Marine Mammal Science 29 (3), E266-E281, 2013
Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays
CA Simpfendorfer, MR Heithaus, MR Heupel, MA MacNeil, M Meekan, ...
Science 380 (6650), 1155-1160, 2023
Combining in-trawl video with observer coverage improves understanding of protected and vulnerable species bycatch in trawl fisheries
V Jaiteh, S Allen, N Loneragan, J Meeuwig
Marine and Freshwater Research, 2014
Evidence of declines in shark fin demand, China
S Whitcraft, A Hofford, P Hilton, M O’Malley, V Jaiteh, P Knights
San Francisco, CA: WildAid, 2014
Quantifying the unreported and unaccounted domestic and foreign commercial catch of sharks and rays in Western Australia
M Braccini, M Kangas, V Jaiteh, S Newman
Ambio 50 (7), 1337-1350, 2021
First records of the grey nurse shark Carcharias taurus (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) from oceanic coral reefs in the Timor Sea
P Momigliano, VF Jaiteh
Marine Biodiversity Records 8, e56, 2015
Predators in danger: shark conservation and management in Australia, New Zealand and their neighbours
P Momigliano, VF Jaiteh, C Speed
Austral Ark: The State of Wildlife in Australia and New Zealand, 2015
Bycatch estimates from a Pacific tuna longline fishery provide a baseline for understanding the long-term benefits of a large, blue water marine sanctuary
V Jaiteh, T Peatman, S Lindfield, E Gilman, S Nicol
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 720603, 2021
New distribution records of the Vulnerable fossil shark Hemipristis elongata from eastern Indonesia call for improved fisheries management
VF Jaiteh, P Momigliano
Marine Biodiversity Records 8, e79, 2015
Evidence of declines in shark fin demand
S Whitcraft, A Hofford, P Hilton, M O’Malley, V Jaiteh, P Knights
China, WildAid, San Francisco, CA, 2014
Small-scale fisheries in Indonesia: benefits to households, the roles of women, and opportunities for improving livelihoods
N Loneragan, N Stacey, B Wiryawan, DS Adhuri, C Warren, R Fitriana, ...
The sharks and rays of Palau: biological diversity, status, and social and cultural dimensions
K Hari, V Jaiteh, A Chin
Pacific Conservation Biology 28 (5), 398-413, 2021
" Sharks are important, but so is rice": Opportunities and challenges for shark fisheries management and livelihoods in eastern Indonesia
V Jaiteh
Murdoch University, 2017
Conservation science for sharks and rays
LNK Davidson, VF Jaiteh, A Chin, RW Jabado
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, 657-688, 2022
Assessing shark and ray bycatch in Indonesian deepwater snapper-grouper fisheries
S Lindfield, V Jaiteh
The Nature Conservancy Indonesia, 1-13, 2019
SRA small-scale fisheries in Indonesia: benefits to households, the roles of women, and opportunities for improving livelihoods.
N Loneragan, B Wiryawan, D Adhuri, R Fitriana, E Gibson, ...
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