David L Morgan
David L Morgan
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Co-invaders: the effects of alien parasites on native hosts
AJ Lymbery, M Morine, HG Kanani, SJ Beatty, DL Morgan
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 3 (2), 171-177, 2014
Distribution and impacts of introduced freshwater fishes in Western Australia
DL Morgan, HS Gill, MG Maddern, SJ Beatty
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38 (3), 511-523, 2004
Distribution, Identification, and Biology of Freshwater Fishes in South-western Australia
DL Morgan, HS Gill, IC Potter
Western Australian Museum, 1998
Freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean‐climate regions: are there commonalities in the conservation problem?
SM Marr, MP Marchetti, JD Olden, E García‐Berthou, DL Morgan, ...
Diversity and Distributions 16 (4), 606-619, 2010
Freshwater Sawfish Pristis microdon Latham, 1794 (Chondrichthyes : Pristidae) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia
DC Thorburn, DL Morgan, AJ Rowland, HS Gill
Zootaxa 1471 (1), 27–41-27–41, 2007
Distribution, biology and likely impacts of the introduced redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis)(Percidae) in Western Australia
DL Morgan, SJ Hambleton, HS Gill, SJ Beatty
Marine and Freshwater Research 53 (8), 1211-1221, 2002
Undersea constellations: the global biology of an endangered marine mega-vertebrate further informed through citizen science
BM Norman, JA Holmberg, Z Arzoumanian, S Reynolds, RP Wilson, ...
Bioscience 67 (12), 1029-1043, 2017
Ontogenetic depth partitioning by juvenile freshwater sawfish (Pristis microdon: Pristidae) in a riverine environment
JM Whitty, DL Morgan, SC Peverell, DC Thorburn, SJ Beatty
Marine and Freshwater Research 60 (4), 306-316, 2009
A global assessment of freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean-climate regions
SM Marr, JD Olden, F Leprieur, I Arismendi, M Ćaleta, DL Morgan, ...
Hydrobiologia 719, 317-329, 2013
Variation in life history of land-locked lacustrine and riverine populations of Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns 1842) in Western Australia
A Chapman, DL Morgan, SJ Beatty, HS Gill
Environmental Biology of Fishes 77 (1), 21-37, 2006
Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of three critically endangered Pristis sawfishes in Australian waters
NM Phillips, JA Chaplin, DL Morgan, SC Peverell
Marine Biology 158, 903-915, 2011
Big trouble for little fish: identifying Australian freshwater fishes in imminent risk of extinction
M Lintermans, HM Geyle, S Beatty, C Brown, BC Ebner, R Freeman, ...
Pacific Conservation Biology 26 (4), 365-377, 2020
Using remote underwater video to estimate freshwater fish species richness
BC Ebner, DL Morgan
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (5), 1592-1612, 2013
Role of Life History Strategy in the Colonisation of Western Australian Aquatic Systems by the Introduced Crayfish Cherax destructor Clark, 1936
S Beatty, D Morgan, H Gill
Hydrobiologia 549, 219-237, 2005
Leaving the fish bowl: the ornamental trade as a global vector for freshwater fish invasions
FT Chan, SJ Beatty, AS Gilles Jr, JE Hill, S Kozic, D Luo, DL Morgan, ...
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22 (4), 417-439, 2019
Salinity tolerances of endemic freshwater fishes of south-western Australia: implications for conservation in a biodiversity hotspot
SJ Beatty, DL Morgan, M Rashnavadi, AJ Lymbery
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (1), 91-100, 2011
Fish fauna of the Fitzroy River in the Kimberley region of Western Australia - including the Bunuba, Gooniyandi, Ngarinyin, Nyikina and Walmajarri aboriginal names
DL Morgan, M Allen, P Bedford, M Horstman
Records of the Western Australian Museum 22 (2), 147-161, 2004
Is the Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki (Poeciliidae), a major threat to the native freshwater fishes of south-western Australia?
HS Gill, SJ Hambleton, DL Morgan
5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, 1999
Whole mitogenome sequencing refines population structure of the Critically Endangered sawfish Pristis pristis
P Feutry, PM Kyne, RD Pillans, X Chen, JR Marthick, DL Morgan, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 533, 237-244, 2015
Are vertical migrations driven by circadian behaviour? Decoupling of activity and depth use in a large riverine elasmobranch, the freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis)
AC Gleiss, DL Morgan, JM Whitty, JJ Keleher, S Fossette, GC Hays
Hydrobiologia 787, 181-191, 2017
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Articles 1–20