Miguel Angel Ahumada Sempoal
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Cited by
Coral communities and reefs from Guerrero, southern Mexican Pacific
RA López‐Pérez, LE Calderón‐Aguilera, H Reyes‐Bonilla, JD Carriquiry, ...
Marine Ecology 33 (4), 407-416, 2012
Ciclo reproductivo del molusco Atrina maura (Pterioidea: Pinnidae) en un sistema lagunar costero, al sur del Pacífico tropical mexicano
C Angel-Pérez, SJ Serrano-Guzmán, MA Ahumada-Sempoal
Revista de Biología Tropical 55 (3-4), 839-852, 2007
Coral connectivity between equatorial eastern Pacific marine protected areas: A biophysical modeling approach
BD Lequeux, MA Ahumada-Sempoal, A López-Pérez, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202995, 2018
Abundancia, estructura poblacional y crecimiento de Atrina maura (Bivalvia: Pinnidae) en una laguna costera tropical del Pacífico mexicano
MA Ahumada-Sempoal, SJ Serrano-Guzmán, N Ruiz-García
Revista de biología tropical 50 (3-4), 1091-1100, 2002
The coral communities of the Islas Marias archipelago, Mexico: structure and biogeographic relevance to the Eastern Pacific
A López‐Pérez, A Cupul‐Magaña, MA Ahumada‐Sempoal, ...
Marine Ecology 37 (3), 679-690, 2016
The new pelagic Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS) for the multisensor coordinated measurement of atmospheric and oceanographic conditions
N Bahamon, J Aguzzi, R Bernardello, MA Ahumada-Sempoal, ...
Sensors 11 (12), 11251-11272, 2011
The Costa Rica coastal current, eddies and wind forcing in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, southern Mexican Pacific
C Reyes-Hernández, MÁ Ahumada-Sempoal, R Durazo
Continental Shelf Research 114, 1-15, 2016
La diversidad étnica como factor de planeación pesquera artesanal: Chontales, Huaves y Zapotecas del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México
A Espinoza, LC Bravo, S Serrano, JÁ Ronsón, MÁ Ahumada, P Cervantes, ...
Pescadores en América Latina y el Caribe: espacio, población, producción y …, 2011
Northern Current variability and its impact on the Blanes Canyon circulation: A numerical study
MA Ahumada-Sempoal, MM Flexas, R Bernardello, N Bahamon, ...
Progress in Oceanography 118, 61-70, 2013
Características físico-químicas de la laguna Pastoría, Oaxaca, México
MA Ahumada-Sempoal, N Ruiz-García
Ciencia y Mar 12 (36), 3-17, 2008
Modeling of the circulation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea with the Princeton Ocean Model
MA Ahumada, A Cruzado
Ocean Science 3 (1), 77-89, 2007
Ecological and functional diversity of gastropods associated with hermatypic corals of the Mexican tropical Pacific
NA Barrientos-Lujan, A López-Pérez, E Ríos-Jara, ...
Marine Biodiversity 49, 193-205, 2019
Stepped coastal water warming revealed by multiparametric monitoring at NW Mediterranean fixed stations
N Bahamon, J Aguzzi, MÁ Ahumada-Sempoal, R Bernardello, ...
Sensors 20 (9), 2658, 2020
Estructura poblacional y aspectos reproductivos del tiburón piloto Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle, 1839)(Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) en la costa de Oaxaca, México
MC Alejo-Plata, MÁ Ahumada-Sempoal, JL Gómez-Márquez, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 44 (3), 513-524, 2016
Influence of the summer deep-sea circulations on passive drifts among the submarine canyons in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
M Clavel-Henry, J Solé, MÁ Ahumada-Sempoal, N Bahamon, F Briton, ...
Ocean Science 15 (6), 1745-1759, 2019
Shelf-slope exchanges and particle dispersion in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea): A numerical study
MA Ahumada-Sempoal, MM Flexas, R Bernardello, N Bahamon, ...
Continental Shelf Research 109, 35-45, 2015
Moluscos bentónicos de dos sistemas lagunares de la costa chica de Oaxaca, México y su relación con parámetros fisicoquímicos
P Zamorano, NA Barrientos-Luján, MÁ Ahumada-Sempoal
Ciencia y Mar 42, 13-28, 2010
Diet of Octopus hubbsorum (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico
M del Carmen Alejo-Plata, MA Ahumada-Sempoal, SSL Guzmán, ...
American Malacological Bulletin 36 (1), 109-118, 2018
Surface and advective heat fluxes in the western margin of the Gulf of Tehuantepec.
AC Reyes-Hernández, MA Ahumada-Sempoal, A López-Pérez, ...
Continental Shelf Research 180, 35-47, 2019
Combined use of SAR images and numerical simulations to identify the source and trajectories of oil spills in coastal environments
P Cervantes-Hernández, O Celis-Hernández, MA Ahumada-Sempoal, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 199, 115981, 2024
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Articles 1–20